Professional Apricot Duduk collection A, C + leather case
The roots of the duduk date back to the times of the Armenian king Tigran the Great (95-55 BCE.). Some archaeologists have even dated examples back to 1000 B.C. The ancestor of the duduk is the ancient flute (aulos) made from reed. It is depicted in various ancient Armenian manuscripts. In Armenian medieval times, miniatures of the following flute-family are encountered: the transverse shepherd's pipes sring and blul. They were made out of bone, authentic cane, or wood and were used by shepherds to communicate with their flocks as well as to play tunes. During an archeological dig in Garni (Armenia) in 1962, a pipe made from a stork's shin and dating from 1000 B.C. was found; in 1993, the archeologist F. Ter Martirosov found double-barreled pipe during a dig at Benjamin-this too dated from 1000B.C.
Product code: Professional Apricot Duduk collection A, C + authentic leather case