authentic This is a stunning beautiful baby blue opalescent “Handkerchief” Vase/Bowl by Fostoria.
*** The Fostoria Glass Company began operations in Fostoria, Ohio, on December 15, 1887. This site was chosen because natural gas at a recently opened field in the area had been offered at a very low cost. However, the field was so short-lived that in 1891, Fostoria moved to Moundsville, West Virginia, where there was an abundance of gas and coal, and other needed materials were close by.
During it's first ten years, Fostoria made pressed ware, but early in the 20th century Fostoria realized the importance of developing fine quality blown glassware.
Fostoria also produced custom work such as providing glass with government seals for officials in Washington. All the presidents from Eisenhower through Reagan ordered glassware from them. Fostoria's business peaked in 1950 when they made over 8 million pieces of glass.***
The stunning bowl is 4 1/2” inches tall and is approx., 6” across.
Made in the U.S.A.
Product code: Vintage Fostoria Heirloom Handkerchief Pattern Blue authentic Opalescent Hand-Blown Art Glass Bowl/Vase